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Spain: 1st Stakeholder Workshop

12th of May 2022, Madrid

The first national crossCert workshop in Spain for national stakeholders was organised by EREN at the headquarters of the IDAE (Spanish Government) in Madrid. The University of Zaragoza presented the crossCert project, followed by a detailed explanation of the building assessment methodology and the first results of the crossCert tests.

During the day exchanged with the Spanish partners in the sister projects qualdeEPC and ePANACEA, who explained the progress of their projects. Two representatives of the Spanish Ministries responsible for energy efficiency certification in Spain, as well as the representatives of IDAE (also part of the Spanish team) were contributing with a presentation on the concerted actions for energy certification and future changes in the EPC system in Spain.

Interesting debates took place, giving rise to ideas and proposals that will surely allow us to develop better proposals for improvement from the crossCert project.


10:30 Welcome [IDAE]
10:40 Stakeholder presentation of the crossCert project [EREN]
10:50 General presentation of the cosscert project [UNIZAR]
11:20 Cross testing of European EPCs [EREN]
11:50 Other related projects and initiatives [Escan / Effinovatic]
12:20 News and future changes to certification in Spain [IDAE]
12:40 Discussion [all attendees]
13:30 Stakeholders lunch