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crossCert organises a series of events in partner countries and EU level events. To see details, click on the relevant title below.

Poland: National Stakeholder Event

Energy Transformation - Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects

Spain: National Stakeholder Conference

Conferencia online: El futuro de la Certificación de Eficiencia Energética de edificios en España

Webinar: Making Energy Performance Visible

Digital Workshop

ETP and H+C Zero Network Webinar

Learning Session about Energy Performance Certificates

NextGenEPC EU Level Event

Energy Efficient Buildings: Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates

At this event we to highlighted the challenges and solutions of the forseen changes in the recast EPBD for local authorities especially shedding a light on what role EPCs play in building renovation and how municipalities could turn them in powerful tools. We talked with two experts from both the consumer and expert perspective and had a discussion with NEXT-Gen EPC cluster members.