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National Stakeholder Conference: Spain

Online conference: The future of Energy Performance Certification of buildings

The Ente Regional de la Energía de Castilla y León, as an energy agency participating in the European projectCross-Cert(Improving the usability of energy performance certificates for buildings), is organising a webinar on Energy Efficiency in Buildings on 25 April from 10:00 to 11:45 a.m. The event aims to address current developments and challenges in energy efficiency in buildings, a topic of growing importance on the European and global scene . This event aims to address current developments and challenges in energy efficiency in buildings, a topic of growing importance on the European and global scene.

The seminar is structured in five key sections, starting with a presentation on the new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, presented by Pau Garcia representing the European Commission, during which an overview of the proposals and targets set out in the new directive, crucial for Europe's energy future, will be given. Afterwards, Antonio Gómez, from the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR), will share the results of the cross-testing of Building Energy Performance Certificates obtained during the European crossCert project. This presentation will shed light on the importance of harmonisation and reliability of energy performance certificates at European level. Adrián Fernández, from the Ente Regional de la Energía de Castilla y León (EREN), will focus on the integration of Building Energy Performance Certificates in databases and their valorisation, underlining the relevance of data management and exploitation to improve energy efficiency in buildings, and how it contributes to energy savings. The last presentation, by Aitor Domínguez from the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), will emphasise the upcoming requirements for energy efficiency certification in Spain, anticipating the changes and challenges that the sector will face in the coming years. Finally, the event will conclude with a round table discussion, moderated by Alfredo Cadórniga from EREN, on the future energy efficiency assessment of buildings and the new rating scales, where, in addition to the previous speakers, Rafael Villar from the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences of the CSIC will participate. This debate will offer a broad view on the future perspectives and challenges in the evaluation and qualification of energy efficiency in the field of buildings.

This event is a must-attend event for practitioners, researchers, and anyone interested in sustainability, energy efficiency and the future of building in the European Union.