Greece: 1st Stakeholder Event
1st of June 2022, Online

The event introduced the crossCert project to the Greek stakeholders with the aim to contribute to the success of the next generation of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs).
Following the presentations there was a discussion between the participants moderated by George Koras. There were suggestions from participants for the improvement of the existing energy certificates, with particularily interesting references to the current situation with the extremely high cost of energy and the impact that has to the recommendations included to the certificates. Another problem raised was how to update the energy inspectors training on the updated energy certificates. Furthermore, there was another interesting proposal from the representative of the Ministry of Environment and Energy regarding the familiarisation of students with energy efficiency related tools. The Technical Chamber expressed the need for a promotional campaign supporting the need for the energy certificates for buildings. Banks representative expressed the requirement from the financing sector for buildings benchmarking.
All participants agreed that there is need for statistical, accurate data from the energy certificates. Data protection and privacy issues should be solved by data aggregation. It was mentioned that exploitation of the EPC data in each climate zone and each building type, as well as their statistical analysis would help policy making such as designing new financial instruments and programmes for the energy upgrade of buildings.
European projects and national authorities such as the relative Ministries need reports from the exploitation of the EPC data regarding the results of the energy efficiency measures for example the energy class before and after, the type and cost of the measures, the energy efficiency potential.