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In October 2021 with the EPBD revision close to the official adoption by EC services (Fit for 55 package part 2 planned for December 2021) insights and stateof-the-art information about the European Energy Performance Certification Schemes in use now for little over 10 years at Member State level are condensed in one shot providing at the same time the outlook for a holistic and future proof Building Performance Assessment and Certification framework and related processes across the EU for the benefit of all stakeholders and supporting the transition to an overarching digitally transformed EU building stock as means for healthy, affordable, efficient and green buildings.

Hosted by the BuildUp Portal, this event brought together key actors from the Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates for buildings Horizon 2020 cluster of projects for a lively and informative moderated panel discussion between the project's representatives with 2 prior short 'setting the scene' keynotes from DG ENER and BPIE to benefit all EPBD stakeholders, with a slightly enhanced focus on EU Member States and specifically decision-makers and influencers of the EPBD revision process:

  • 3 H2020 coordination and support actions, started in 2019: QualDeEPC, U-CERT, X-tendo (watch now their pitches)
  • 4 H2020 innovation actions, started in 2020: D^2EPC, E-DYCE, ePANACEA, EPC RECAST (watch now their pitches)
  • 4 H2020 coordination and support actions, started in 2021: crossCERT, EUB SuperHub, iBRoad2EPC, TIMEPAC (watch now their pitches).


05' Welcome and introduction, Frank Hovorka, President, REHVA

10' Keynote speech 1 "The EPBD revision: buildings Fit for 55", Pau Garcia Audi, Policy Officer, Buildings and Products, DG Energy, European Commission

10' Keynote speech 2 "EPCerts in the EPBD revision", Mariangiola Fabbri, Head of Research, BPIE

60' Panel discussion with the representatives from the 11 ongoing Next Gen EPCerts H2020 cluster moderated by Mariangiola Fabbri