Recent EPC initiatives across Europe -D 2.3
Review results from previous projects - Cross assessing EPC paradigms
by Elena Taxeri (CRES)

The objective of this document is to help the Consortium to identify, evaluate and use the results of previous and current European projects that have also worked towards the enhancement of the Energy Performance Certification. It outlines the procedure and methods that crossCert partners follow to extract the most relevant outcomes of sister or analogous projects that were funded by European programmes.
In particular, the document retrieves the information from those projects that have tested the current EPCs at a country level and/or have introduced improvements and/or have proposed new approaches, from projects that have worked with new Key Performance Indicators or have tested new software for the energy assessment of buildings.
Download D2.3 Recent EPC initiatives across Europe here!
EPC Cross-testing Procedure - D2.4
EPC Cross-testing Procedure - D2.4
The Design of the crossCert Cross-Assessment Tests

by Norberto Fueyo, María Herrando, Antonio Gómez (UNIZAR)
This report describes a cross testing procedure that circumvents the major practical obstacles in carrying out cross testing of the planned 147 buildings.The deliverable includes a review of the status of EPCs in the crossCert countries, to set out the status quo and provide a basis for the development of the methodology and indeed for the rest of the crossCert project. The cross testing requirements are set out and we describe the rationale for selecting the buildings that will be the subject of cross testing. The report also provides the full list of buildings, comprising 147 buildings to be tested, the cross testing protocol and the detailed methodology we have used for selecting buildings.
Download: D2.4 - EPC Cross-testing Procedure
CrossCert Benchmark Repository - D2.8
Cross assessing EPC paradigms
This document introduces the crossCert Building Repository, a crossCert consortium deliverable in the context of Task 2.4 crossCert Benchmark Repository (WP2). It describes the contents of the repository, the collection methods, the hosting details and the instructions for user access.
The crossCert Building Repository was developed for researchers and modellers and provides complex building data that is essential for testing and validating EPC models. Unlike other databases such as the EU Buildings Observatory or the BuiltHub platform, which are aimed at broader decarbonization monitoring and policy design, this repository provides the detailed information needed to develop building energy models.The data provided by the crossCert consortium partners during the tests in Task 2.3 reflect different building typologies and climate zones and increase the utility of the repository for testing and validating models.
Download D2.8 CrossCert Benchmark Repository
Review of approaches to EPC assessment across chosen member states - D3.1
Review of approaches to EPC assessment across chosen member states - D3.1

This report summarises EPC methodologies currently in use across chosen European countries, focussing on those of relevance to the crossCert project. The information collated will act as a reference document to highlight differences in approaches to energy assessment and, by extension, different responses to the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive.
By conducting this review, EPC approaches are categorised based on type of calculation methodology used, methods of input data gathering, use of real building and/or energy data, and outputs generated from the EPC process. This categorisation will aid later analysis in the project, where crossCert will investigate the impact that country-specific EPC choices have on EPC outputs, and any consequences of these outputs.
The goal is to address the technical dimensions of EPCs (including inputs, metrics, and control/verification) in order to identify potential improvements and guidelines. The work is also the basis for harmonisation recommendations to be compiled at a later stage. The first step of is studying different EPC methodologies used in crossCert partner countries. This deliverable is focused on reviewing general aspects as well as some technical details of EPC assessment methodologies.
Download: D3.1 Review of approaches to EPC assessment across chosen member states
Performance gap causation - D3.2
Performance gap causation - D3.2

This report takes the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) methodologies of nine different European countries, across 65 tested buildings, to investigate how the modelled energy consumption compares with real, measured energy consumption of those same buildings. Each individual building is modelled with the local EPC methodology and compared with metered energy consumption, converting the EPC output to a parameter that allows for this comparison where required.
The study demonstrates the challenges in comparing different methodologies, with different metrics and frameworks, particularly across relatively small samples of buildings. However, the 65 case-study buildings do indicate how previously discussed differences in methodologies can be seen when those methodologies are applied to real buildings.
Download: D3.2 - Performance Gap Causation
Analysis of new scales and KPIs - D3.3
The report on the Analysis of New Scales and KPIs for Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) explores advancements in scales and key performance indicators (KPIs) to improve energy performance assessments. It reviews KPIs based on smartness, human-centric factors, energy performance, financials, and climate change, and analyzes their use in Horizon 2020 projects. The report highlights the focus on smartness, particularly the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI), and energy performance in European projects. It also examines KPI usage in partner countries like Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, and the UK (Scotland), noting the common emphasis on energy performance. The report concludes by suggesting suitable output metrics and KPIs for EPCs.
Download: Analysis of new scales and KPIs - D3.3
Cross-country comparison of format and nature of recommended improvements in different EPCs -D3.4
This report is the outcome of Task 3.3, “Evaluation of the renovation measures recommended by EPCs”. It summarises the advice provided as recommendations in EPC documents across chosen European countries, focusing on those relevant to the crossCert project. Sources of information used for devising this report include EPC documents from the partner countries, as well as questionnaires and workshop outcomes.
The main aspects studied in this report include the format the recommendations are presented in on EPC documents, the source and nature of these recommendations, and the relevant information and indicators provided. In addition, the role of assessors in providing these recommendations and potential gaps between assessor training and background education, with the knowledge required for proposing suitable recommendations, is investigated. Based on the collected information and the results of the cross-testing stage, a comparison is also made between countries’ approaches towards EPC calculation and their approaches towards EPC recommendations.
Download D3.4 - Cross-country comparison of format and nature of recommended improvements in different EPCs
D3.5 Sensitivity analysis of chosen parameters on EPC output
Work Package 3 in the crossCert project includes extended results analysis and the issuance of conclusions based on Work Package 2 results. As part of this work package, this report uses the results of the C-testing and P-testing included in Work Package 2 to perform a numerical analysis on the effects of variations of parameters and calculation approaches between methodologies on the final energy consumption values. In the C-testing round of the project, 10 different EPC methodologies were applied to 52 C-buildings. In addition, 8 P-buildings were modelled in IES-VE dynamic simulation package. In devising this report, the EPC certificates and the C-testing reports produced by the partners as well as the results of the dynamic energy models created in the P-testing phase were used as sources of information.
Download D3.5 Sensitivity analysis of chosen parameters on EPC outputs here!
Proposed harmonised verification framework for quality checking EPC outputs - D3.6
A big part of the crossCert project is to analyze the results of cross-testing and information gathered. This report leverages the collected data to identify differences and best practices in quality control mechanisms across crossCert countries. We aim to propose a harmonized framework to enhance these mechanisms. The report focuses on examining critical aspects of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) assessments that influence quality control, aiming to standardize these processes across Europe.
To achieve our goal, this report incorporates data from the C-testing and L-testing reports, feedback from project partners via questionnaires, and further information from of crossCert reports. Additionally, we considered findings from similar projects like QualDeEPC, XTendo, and the Concerted Action EPBD reports.
Our findings highlight significant differences in EPC assessments among crossCert countries, including calculation methodologies, EPC software, the EPC document itself, and the qualifications required for assessors. This report focuses on these aspects as critical factors in EPC quality control and proposes a framework applicable to any EPC methodology, aiming to establish key features of robust quality control mechanisms.
Download D3.6 Proposed harmonised verification framework for quality checking EPC outputs
May 25, 2024
Multi-criteria grading of proposed innovations for use in next-generation EPCs - D3.7
Multi-criteria grading of proposed innovations for use in next-generation EPCs - D3.7
This report, by noting the variation in EPC methodologies, proposes a set of criteria that could be used to categorise those differences such that EPC frameworks can be better understood and compared. The criteria are designed with both current and next-generation use of EPCs in mind. They are then applied to a selection of current and next-generation EPCs to illustrate how a multi-criteria framework for reviewing EPC methodologies may aid our understanding of how to use those EPCs, and where they are less suitable. The final results show multiple occasions where EPC methodologies have to find a balance between different ambitions, such as that between detail and replicability of methodology. Where EPC frameworks take different choices on this balance, this should inform our choice of when and where to apply this framework.
Download: Multi-criteria grading of proposed innovations for use in next-generation EPCs - D3.7
Analysis of the current integration of EPC data -D4.2.
This document completes the proposed structure in D 4.1, and it carries out a full analysis of the gathered data. The objective of this document is to analyse the integration of EPCs in the Administration databases, helping the Consortium to identify the general current status of the existing databases and the barriers and challenges still to overcome to achieve fully interoperable and useful EPC databases.
The interim report D 4.1 showed the general composition of the assessed registers based on the energy and buildings parameters disclosed and available among crossCert countries’ EPC databases. After having completed that quantitative analysis, further assessments needed to be made. In that sense, D 4.2 has been planned to focus and expand the information on the potential uses for EPC databases.
Presently, the EPC database has been understood as a global entity where every aspect of the EPCs is treated, but that reality is far from the actual situation. Therefore, the concepts of EPC storage, processing, interaction, and interoperability are readily understood. In addition, dividing concepts and tools allows the generation of tailor-made guidelines for each stage of the EPC life cycle.
Download D4.2. Analysis of the current integration of EPC data
Specifications for developing an EPC translating tool - D4.3
This report from Task 4.2 of WP4 addresses the challenge of making Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) more accessible to users and investors by simplifying technical data. Many EPC users struggle with understanding the provided statistics due to a lack of technical knowledge. To improve user experience, the report proposes creating a tool that translates complex EPC data into simpler terms. The development of this tool considers the varying designs and calculation methods of EPCs across different countries. The report is divided into three sections:
1. Input data from standardized sources.
2. Output data presented in an investor-friendly format.
3. The EPC translating tool that converts input data into understandable output.
Download: D4.3 Specifications for developing an EPC translating tool here!
D4.4 Linking next-generation of EPCs to energy audits, logbooks and BRPs
The latest Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) mandates Building Renovation Passports (BRPs) and logbooks to provide this crucial data. Integrating next-generation Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) with energy audits offers a nuanced understanding of energy performance, while logbooks enable continuous monitoring.
The crossCert project focused on linking next-generation EPCs with energy audits, BRPs, and logbooks to enhance building energy management. It assessed energy audit schemes and collaborated with H2020 projects to outline next-generation tools and provide recommendations for seamless integration.
Key recommendations include increasing digitalization, enhancing stakeholder cooperation, designing dynamic energy certificates, updating information, integrating energy consultation results, and establishing data sharing mechanisms. Technical integration requires adherence to API integration, data standardization, and cybersecurity measures.
Download: D4.4 Linking next-generation of EPCs to energy audits, logbooks and BRPs
D4.5 EPCs as facilitators of one-stop shops

This report is the result of work performed in Task 4.4 EPCs and one-stop shops. It examines how EPCs and related products (databases, energy audits, building logbooks, BRPs, and others) can be integrated into the current national and regional one-stop shops of crossCert partner countries to assist building owners with the process of building's energy rehabilitation.
The report contains detailed information about one-stop shops that are developed and operating in the crossCert participating countries, either now or in the near future. This has served as a starting point for research and analysis to ascertain how future EPCs might support presently running one-stop shops in the participating countries. The goal is to expedite the design and implementation of building upgrades in order to engage building owners and increase the rate at which existing buildings are renovated.
Based on the initial analysis of the existing one-stop shops in crossCert partner countries, together with analysis of the existing EPC scheme, recommendations and guidelines are provided for a seamless integration.
Downoad the deliverable
Report on existing EPC attitudes, expectations and needs - D5.1
Understanding EPC assessment and certification from the people-centred aspects of EPCs and services
by Domen Bančič and Jure Vetršek (IRI-UL)
This report provides a fresh perspective on understanding energy performance certificates (EPCs) from a people-centred perspective. More specifically, it provides a framework for people-centred research of all EPC related things, with a specific focus on how policies are translated into practice through interaction between people, and on the elements of EPC assessment and certification service and its products (the EPCs).
Download: D5.1 Report on existing EPC attitudes, expectations and needs
Report on EPC design and user experience - D5.2
This report summarises the work emanating from Task 5.2 of crossCert, bringing together the results of an end-user survey across European countries and a subsequent workshop investigating user needs for EPCs. Individual outputs are discussed for those two different activities, followed by the additional findings and conclusions that can be achieved from the collective learning from multi-method user engagement.
The survey suggested that there are varying levels of trust in inputs and outputs used with EPC assessments, though outputs generated from EPCs were seen as less robust than the inputs. Although limited by sample size, the survey suggested some variation in response by country – though one requiring further study.
The workshop demonstrated a wider appreciation of what different user groups want from EPCs. Particular concern was shown around the balance of detail (to accommodate the needs of different users) and simplicity of presentation (to clarify meaningful action).
Download D5.2 Report on EPC design and user experience here!
Report on training and education services for certified EPC issuers - D5.3

Energy performance certification across Europe varies in methodology, requiring different levels of expertise among certifiers, as highlighted by the crossCert project. Training requirements for EPC issuers differ significantly by country, with some countries mandating training while others do not. According to the EPBD (recast) and the Energy Efficiency Directive, Member States must ensure EPCs are conducted by qualified experts and encourage participation in certification programs, assessing competence levels regularly.
This report reviews EPC issuer training schemes in ten European countries, using data from crossCert partners. It includes regulatory requirements, training criteria, and curricula, and provides a comparative analysis. National stakeholders offered suggestions to improve training, emphasizing the inclusion of recent legislative changes, new technologies, and practical training. Recommendations include customizing training for various qualification levels, emphasizing practical application, and incorporating state-of-the-art technologies and deep renovation practices.
Download: D5.3 Report on training and education services for certified EPC issuers!
Report on promotion and marketing of EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) products and services - D5.4
This report focuses on improving the marketing and promotion of EPCs and energy renovations. It identifies reasons for stagnation and suggests principles for effective promotional campaigns, such as aligning with key life events and renovation trigger points. Campaigns should resonate with property owners through storytelling and highlight benefits beyond technical details, like indoor comfort. Trust and reliable information are crucial, and campaigns should use diverse media formats.
Training for EPC issuers, real estate agents, and bankers is essential to improve perceptions of EPCs. The report also examines media influence on public opinion using the example of the German Building Energy Code debate, recommending strategies to mitigate financial impacts and address public fears. Effective communication and legislation must prioritize people and manage uncertainties associated with energy renovations.