Focus Group Event: Visualising building energy performance

19 October 2023, 17:00 – 19:00 Camera di Commercio Modena, in Modena, Italy
Upcoming revisions to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and its adaptation to national law are in some European countries actively discussed both at political level and in the media. On this occasion, we want to better understand the impact of the media reports and the resulting public debate and other form(at)s of discourse and narratives we find in the public space (including social media, advertisement of EPC services etc.). More specifically, we want to understand if and how these representations, discourses and narratives impact the public opinion, and furthermore, how these influence or impact the general purpose of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) of buildings. Participants will be requested to consider their opinion with a specific focus on their national context.
This is not the first time that the EPBD and EPCs are discussed in public space. Examples of media representations from across the EU indicate that both the policies and the certificates were represented both negatively and positively during the past 20 years. This focus group will explore:
- What can we learn from examples from the past?
- What influence, if any, do public debates and their media coverage have on the society’s perception of the energy performance of buildings and its certification schemes?
- How does the media opinion shape our perception of EPC?
- How do these perceptions shape media opinion?
- How, if at all, do media influence the society’s perceptions, opinions on and acceptance of regulatory measures, specifically those related to energy efficiency measures in buildings and certification?
The event, organized by the Climate Alliance in the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project crossCert in collaboration with the Buildings Working Group of Climate Alliance Municipalities, will take place at the Climate Alliance & Energy Cities International Conference 2023
on the 19th of October at 17:00 – 19:00 in English at the Camera di Commercio Modena, in Modena, Italy .
The event is free of charge, registration required. Catering will be provided. A limited number of participants will have the chance to have their travel costs to Modena reimbursed (requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis).
Interested? Then register for the session by clicking here.
Would you like to learn more about the content? Contact : Anne Turfin, a.turfin(at)

This Focus Group takes place in the framework of the Climate Alliance and Energy Cities joint Conference in Modena, Italy:
CAIC23 | Climate Alliance International Conference
18 – 20 October | in Modena (IT) and online
In cities and towns across Europe, an ambitious and just transformation is already taking root. Whether through nature-based solutions, local CO2 pricing to guide climate-friendly procurement, renovation campaigns to combat energy poverty, the improvement of sustainable mobility infrastructure with the help of the citizens or the fostering of energy communities – examples of equitable climate action on the local level abound.
With Grafting Cities, we look at concrete examples of the transformation we need, delving into the question of how to act on our climate goals in spite of an ever changing local landscape. Municipal representatives from across Europe will get the chance to exchange via high-level plenaries, interactive workshops, informal open space formats and enjoyable networking opportunities. The event, co-organised with our long-standing partner network Energy Cities as well as Climate Alliance members Modena and AESS, will provide a unique framework for this year’s Climate Alliance General Assembly and International Conference, CAIC23.