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Sister projects

crossCert aims to collaborate with 10 other Horizon 2020 projects as well as Interreg projects to enhance the development of next generation EPCs. The projects in the Next Generation EPC-Cluster are in continuous cooperation with each other, from non-disclosed expert workshops to discuss outcomes together and share knowledge, to open events where all projects are presented together to send a stronger message to the all stakeholders.


The EU-funded QualDeEPC project aims to improve both the quality and cross-EU convergence of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) schemes and the link between EPCs and deep renovation. It will improve the practical implementation of the assessment, issuance, design and use of EPCs as well as their renovation recommendations. The project will promote dialogue involving stakeholders at all levels.

Website Link: https://qualdeepc.eu


EuB SuperHub is an Horizon 2020 project whose final goal is to develop a methodology and framework that all Member States can use. EuB SuperHub will scan and study the current energy assessment schemes and certification methods available in the EU, and we will develop common criteria to support the market penetration of certificates.

Website Link: https://eubsuperhub.eu/


The EU-funded U-CERT project aims to make the certification schemes, which were implemented to inform building tenants and owners about their energy-performance more practical and reliable via a holistic and user-centred approach. It also aims to make the new set of energy-performance standards easily accessible to a wide range of users by leveraging the diverse services offered by the EPB centre. The new approaches facilitate the shift towards a decarbonised EU building stock.

Website Link:  https://u-certproject.eu


The ALDREN objectives are to achieve higher renovation rates and better renovation quality by overcoming market barriers and preparing the ground for investment.

Website Link: https://aldren.eu


The project aims at getting the “renovation motor running, with the end-user in the driver's seat”. TripleA-reno will involve a various set of users in the co-designing processes, and keep a constant communication flow between consumers and developers to assure design of people-centered products.

Website Link:  https://triplea-reno.eu


The project EFFECT4buildings develops in collaboration with public building managers a comprehensive decision-making support toolbox with a set of financial instruments to unlock the investments and lower the risks of implementing energy efficiency measures (retrofitting, upgrading and deep renovation) in buildings owned by public stakeholders.

Website Link:  https://www.effect4buildings.se


In order to address the issue of poor energy performance of public buildings, eCentral project have the objective to raise awareness and motivate public authorities to to aim for more ambitious energy renovation standards of buildings and to test the applicability of three innovative financing models in pilot regions.

Website Link: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/eCentral.html

PrioritEE- PLUS

PrioritEE PLUS, funded under the Fourth call for Modular projects of the Interreg MED Programme, aims to capitalize on the experience of the previous PrioritEE project and improve, through transnational cooperation, the capacities of public authorities in the energy management of PBs and local sustainable energy planning.  In particular, it will support the use of analytical tools for informed decisions and the promotion of replicable technical solutions in different MED territories.

Website Link:  https://prioritee.interreg-med.eu


The EPCs are largely unexploited due to several challenges influencing confidence, decision support and articulation for financing. Moreover, to engage end users, the certification should propose concrete roads to ambitious goals respecting buildings’ overall quality and increasing energy performance. The EU-funded EPC RECAST project will develop a well-structured process and a toolbox that will support the development, performance and validation of new EPCs with particular focus on existing residential buildings with high retrofit needs.

Website Link:   https://cordis.europa.eu


Energy performance certification (EPC) provides details on the energy performance (measured today in grades from A to G) of a building or on its improvement. It is usually required for properties in case of construction, selling or renting. However, it is in need of an upgrade. The EU-funded X-tendo project aims to provide support to the EU market and authorities for the next-generation EPC schemes and usability. It will do this through the X-tendo toolbox, a freely available online hub presenting all provided innovative features from smart solutions and trusted examples or calculations to guidelines and recommendations. Next-generation EPC and innovative tools will help the EU market, building owners, the construction industry, and the finance sector.

Website Link:  https://x-tendo.eu


Current Energy Performance Certificate schemes across the EU are facing several problems. These include inaccuracy, a gap between theoretical and actual consumption, a lack of proper protocols for including smart and novel technologies, little convergence across EU schemes and a lack of user awareness of energy efficiency. The EU-funded ePANACEA project therefore aims to create a holistic methodology for energy performance assessment and certification of buildings that can address these problems. To this end, it will develop a Smart Energy Performance Assessment Platform that will use the most advanced techniques in dynamic and automated simulation modelling, big data analysis, machine learning and inverse modelling.

Website Link:  https://epanacea.eu


Energy performance certification (EPC) has never been more important. The time has come to enhance the time scale on which the data are evaluated. EPC provides information to consumers about the energy performance rating of a building they are interested in renting or buying, and it is also intended to suggest cost-effective ways to improve energy performance. It is provided to the EU along with inspection reports to enhance understanding and support the creation of EU policy that contributes to the improvement of overall building performance. The EU-funded E-DYCE project is developing a methodology for dynamic EPC intended to replace or be used in conjunction with the current static or steady-state methodology. It will consider the temporal nuances of energy use on scales of minutes, hours and days rather than annual averages, providing better opportunities to suggest more effective energy-efficient behaviours to consumers.

Website Link:  https://edyce.eu


The EU-funded D^2EPC project will develop the next generation of dynamic EPCs for buildings. It is based on the ‘digital twin’ concept to advance building information modelling and a new set of energy, environmental, financial and well-being indicators. According to the project, these indicators will ensure the EPCs are realistic and can accurately lead the transformation of Europe’s building stock into zero-energy buildings. The framework will be demonstrated at six different sites.

Website Link:  https://www.d2epc.eu


Advanced Energy Performance Assessment towards Smart Living in Building and District Level

In SmartLivingEPC project, digitized tools play a crucial role in using data and insights to optimize building performance. Through BIM literacy, advanced technologies are leveraged to retrieve comprehensive assessment information, providing valuable insights into building operational behaviour across its life cycle. Aspects of smartness and technical system performance are delved into, extending to cover critical areas such as water consumption, noise pollution, and acoustics. Furthermore, seamless alignment with digital logbooks and building renovation passports is ensured, guaranteeing compatibility and ease of integration.

Website link: https://www.smartlivingepc.eu/en/