Denmark & Poland: The Roundbaltic Learning event
23 June 2022, Hybrid
Information and discussion on EPC projects and initiatives in Poland and Denmark
On June 23, 2022, CrossCert partners from Poland and Denmark in cooperation with the RoundBaltic project and the XTendo project organized a training seminar/discussion on the development and use of Energy Performance Certificates to promote the attraction of energy efficiency projects and investments.
The event gathered 40 participants from Poland and Denmark representing state, municipal and financial institutions, as well as private sector and service providers.
The following topics were touched upon:
Status of EPC in Denmark and Poland
Features developed within the X-Tendo project to enhance EPCs e.g. in relation to one-stop-shops promoting energy efficiency
Presentation of the CrossCert project – following up on X-Tendo recommendations in Poland and Denmark.
Changes in the upcoming revision of the EPBD affecting EPCs.
Mr Andrzej Rajkiewicz, SAPE Poland / RoundBaltic: The situation regarding implementation of energy performance certificates in Poland
The presentation referred to development of EPCs within the Zebra 2020 project, with the Technical University of Vienna playing an important role. A survey of real estate agents shows the influencing factors when selecting a property. It is recommended that a key objective of the EPC policy should be to increase the degree to which energy efficiency is considered in decision-making in the housing market. Further to enforce the mandatory presentation of EPCs during sale/lease procedures, to introduce better national standards or to put more emphasis on the presentation of the most relevant sustainability data for property owners that can influence property choice. Obstacles to the use of EPCs may be less significant if the cost of improvements and the cost of displaying EPCs are reduced by state policies accompanied by awareness campaigns and a more equitable distribution of the benefits of energy savings among stakeholders (owners, tenants). Economic incentives for those who undertake energy saving measures, linked to well-designed awareness campaigns, are expected.
Mr Jerzy Kwiatkowski, SAPE Poland: Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) in Poland - status. Helping consumers to make informed choices about saving both energy and money in buildings.
The presentation discussed the state of implementation of EPBD requirements. Issues that should be implemented in Poland were highlighted, such as the energy performance of a building in the form of a primary energy consumption indicator or recommendations for cost-optimal or cost-effective improvement of energy performance. The recommendations contained in the energy performance certificate are technically feasible for a specific building and may include an estimate of the range of payback periods or costs and benefits during the economic life cycle of the building. It is indicated where the owner or tenant can obtain more detailed information, including on the economic viability of the recommendations included. A methodology for assessing the energy performance of a building in line with the national annexes to ISO 52003-1:2017.
A main gap is considered to be the lack of energy classes – the slider does not allow to determine the energy class of the building. As a second, the slider is not an unambiguous indicator – which does not allow comparison with other buildings. Illegible graphic design and too much additional information, as well as the lack of estimated costs for the use of the building were listed as the next.
Mr Jerzy Kwiatkowski, NAPE S.A.: X-Tendo - a summary of the new functionalities developed in the project
The pillars of the X-tendo project are stakeholder involvement (understanding of CHE end users, understanding of needs, awareness development), tool development (modular approach with 10 functionalities, good practice examples, instructions for calculation methods, calculation tools) and tool testing (tests in different European countries, different types of tests: building, system, utility).Innovative indicators were presented, which include smart readiness indication, real energy consumption, outdoor air pollution and district energy systems.EPC databases, building logbooks, tailored recommendations and financing options are presented as innovative data processing approaches.
Kaj Leonhart Petersen, ECNet Denmark - and Karolina Junak, KAPE Poland: CrossCERT Cross evaluation of energy performance certificates in Europe
Developed on pilot testing of 140 buildings in 10 countries, the crossCert project aims to create an EPC community forum with an online knowledge exchange centre, a collection of building data, certificate results and, where possible, measured building performance results. The study is to have three testing rounds in which the first, one with existing EPC procedures: Each team in each country will use their existing EPC procedures to assess buildings in other countries (accuracy, gaps, robustness, etc.) The second and third rounds will consider EPC procedures available from recent initiatives: QualDeEPC, U-CERT, X-tendo, ePANACEA, E-DYCE, D^2EPC and EPC-RECAST. In the study, the alignment of EPCs with the needs of users and investors can make a difference to energy efficiency financing. Increasing the value of EPCs for potential investors – establishing a dialogue with stakeholders to understand the information needed to make a decision on a potential investment or standardised guidelines and instructions on how to implement the data needed for investors in next-generation EPCs – are just some of them.
The analysis of the first buildings within Phase 1 is currently underway, both in Denmark and Poland. The main challenges are:
- Languages (background material)
- Understanding each other procedures and standards
- Interpreting drawings supporting the “understanding” of the building.
- Harmonising data inputs. Additional calculations are needed for several key figures, e.g. with regard to: heat losses in distribution pipes, domestic hot water; pump systems; thermal bridges; ventilation systems.
- Climatic data,
- Differences in primary energy factors related to differences in fuel electricity mix.
Gry Klitmose Holm, State of Green: Denmark - Energy renovation of buildings
State of Green has in cooperation with the Danish Government distributed a white paper on green transition (June 2022): “Energy Renovation of Buildings”. This white paper provides tangible pathways to realise the untapped energy efficiency potential in the built environment. From governance tools and meaningful partnerships to the implementation of technical installations and successful repurposing, it encompasses a broad range of perspectives and concrete cases on how to promote, enable and support energy renovation efforts. Key take-aways from the white paper:
- Understand how the Danish governance system for green buildings works.
- Explore energy efficiency solutions for buildings.
- Learn how thinking holistically about energy renovation can yield even greater benefits on the triple bottom line of sustainability
Be inspired by perspectives on smart energy systems, data use, public-private partnerships, financing and much more.
Anne Svendsen, Danish Energy Agency: Energy efficiency in buildings in Denmark and status of the EPC
Measures used to increase energy efficiency in Denmark include:
Use of Building code since 1979 on energy
Function performance testing of installations before use
Energy Performance Certificates (since 2006)
Funding for energy renovation of public buildings and private homes
Information to homeowners, craftsmen and consultants on EE renovation
Upcoming initiatives include:
A new building code in 2023, including requirements to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), nearly Zero Energy (new) buildings and Sustainability
Additional requirements to energy renovation of state and municipal supported by a financial pool for municipalities and regions
Subsidy scheme for private homes and district heating in cities
Electrification of the heating sector
Subsidy scheme for heat pumps
The Building Code apply to all new (heated) buildings and to major renovations in existing buildings. It allows for more efficient heating, hot water, ventilation and cooling systems (pumps, fans, ventilation systems, gas boilers, etc.). Individual temperature control in all rooms (thermostatic valves) and functional testing of technical installations (building management system, heating systems including hydraulic balancing of the heating system, ventilation systems and lighting systems in commercial buildings) are just some of the solutions proposed. The further amendment to the Danish Building Code will include life cycle assessment (LCA); Registration and documentation of resource (energy) use at the construction site; life cycle costs (LCC) or the development of an operation and maintenance plan to maintain the indoor climate; Development of an operation and maintenance plan for maintaining the indoor climate; Documentation of problematic substances in the building and the building materials; Detailed verification and documentation of the daylight level; Documentation of degassing from building materials to the indoor climate; Documentation of noise from ventilation systems in housing. Energy performance certificates or Energy Labelling has been used in the Danish building sector since 2006. About half of the building stock in Denmark has an EPC. The certificate assigns an energy rating on a scale ranging from A (high energy efficiency) to G (poor energy efficiency) and lists cost-effective measures for improving the energy performance of the building and the savings potential related to the measures.
About half of all Danish buildings have an EPC. In 2016 an improved EPC led to a higher price for a building, which encourage to perform some if not all the energy saving measures proposed in the EPC. It is estimated that for each increase in the label, the house price will be increased with 10,000-12,000 Euro. In 2021, the layout of the Energy Labelling Report was redesigned to make it easier to understand for the house owners. At the same time, a new funding scheme was introduced, making it a requirement to have an EPC in order to receive funding. This has resulted in a steep increase in the number of EPC produced annually; in 2020 approximately 68,000 energy labels were issued, and that number rose to roughly 81,000 in 2021.
The responsibility for implementing the EPC lies with the Danish Energy Agency (DEA), including the daily operations, supervision, quality assurance and future development of the scheme. All EPCs are registered in a central database administered by the DEA and are displayed on its public website
Recommendations for the Amendments to the EPBD
The scope of the Directive is mainly a common general framework for the calculation methodology of the integrated energy performance of buildings and building units. The application of minimum energy performance requirements to new buildings and new building modules. But also, the application of minimum energy performance standards to existing buildings and existing building modules, or renovation passports. It is also worth bearing in mind national plans for the renovation of buildings or sustainable mobility infrastructures in and around buildings.
Important new concepts in the directive such as zero-emission building, near-zero energy building or minimum energy performance standards were presented.