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Legal notice

Klima-Bündnis der europäischen Städte mit indigenen Völkern der Regenwälder | Alianza del Clima e.V.

Climate Alliance European Secretariat

Frankfurt Headquarters
Galvanistr. 28
60486 Frankfurt

T. +49 69 717 13 90

Andreas Wolter and Tine Heyse

Executive Director
Thomas Brose

District court of Frankfurt am Main | Registry No: VR10149 | VAT ID: DE244331692

This information also holds true for content on Climate Alliance social media channels including twitter, facebook, linkedin, flickr and youtube.

Technical implementation

Technical implementation of the website by Manfred Schimmel

E-mail: mschimmel(at)issw.de


References / Media

Linked In Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com

This page is based on TYPO3 sample project of jweiland.net