Austria: Stakeholder Workshop
31 May 2022, Online
Die nächste Generation der Energieausweise – Webinar (The next generation of EPCs)

The aim of the 1st national stakeholder workshop on 31. May 2022 was to bring the participants up to the same level and to introduce them to the topic.
The energy performance certificate for buildings has potential for improvement. Especially the user-friendliness, but also the accuracy and homogeneity across Europe, can be improved. The Austrian Energy Agency is taking the opportunity to identify the weak points of the energy certificate, review future developments and propose improvements. The aim is to make the energy certificate more accurate, more understandable, more user-friendly and more usable for you.
This launch webinar was the beginning of a multi-part webinar series to which the stakeholders were invited to contribute their experiences and perhaps already ideas for improvement. The following topics were discussed:
- Existing requirements for the energy certificate
- The energy certificate and its weak points - situation in Austria
- Future requirements for the energy certificate
- Energy certification developments - EU activities (indicators, EPC systems, broader concepts, dynamic EPCs, operational rating, software development, connection to other data bases etc.)
- Goals and expected results of our activities in crossCert
- How can stakeholders participate in the process.
The event was especially addressed to energy certificate issuers, building owners, building managers, real estate agents and building experts. Existing energy evaluation calculations, but also PHPP are great tools for building optimisation and already so complex that they are hardly manageable for the issuer ... let alone comprehensible for the client ... with all the urge to research ... focus on the essential.