He has a background in building physics and energy modelling (>100 papers, H=23) with recent work focussed on the application of statistical techniques for enriching understanding of energy demand data, and modelling, of buildings. He is PI of the CEDRI project, using a range of multi- disciplinary techniques to capture the relationship between occupants, buildings, and energy networks for energy demand reduction strategies in Indian communities, and also UK PI on the Horizon-funded crossCert project, investigating next-generation Energy Performance Certificates. He is Co-I on the H+C Zero Network, CESI, and ReFLEX projects, exploring methods of aligning local renewable supply with energy demand and the role of energy modelling of buildings within this process. He has been on advisory panels for Scottish and UK Government (energy building policy) and leads the Energy Efficiency in Buildings theme of the Scottish Energy Technology Partnership.
CEN/TC 371 ‘Energy performance of buildings’ is concerned with standardization related to the energy performance of buildings (EPB). The TC ensures the development, alignment and maintenance of a coherent set of standards for the determination of the EPB. It does so by (I) developing standards at overarching EPB level and by (II) coordinating the activities of related and specialized TCs that are responsible for the development of EPB standards within their scope, thereby ensuring harmonisation. CEN/TC 371 produced and maintains documents providing guidance and requirements to be met by EPB standards.
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