This event, powered by BPIE & REHVA, was held physically in Brussels and livestreamed via the BuildUp Portal.
There has been a buzz at Member State level around Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), and the underlying Energy Performance Assessment and Certification processes for roughly 10 years, but they have now received a pivotal role in the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) proposal submitted in December 2021 and implementation cornerstone for buildings to drastically and timely improve the performance of the European built environment. It is thus now time to act and implement to actually reach enhanced and future-proof energy performance certificates.
While X-tendo has by design a modular structure covering 10 features (smart readiness indicator, comfort, outdoor air pollution, real energy consumption, district heating, EPC databases, building logbook, tailored recommendations, financing options, one stop shops), U-CERT project has a specific recipe still allowing flexibility (convergence of calculation methodologies with the EPB standards, user-centred approach with a nudging effect, indoor environmental quality, smart readiness indicator, measured building performance and operational rating).
Check out their final event | Watch the recording on Youtube!